Faculty Positions in Engineering and Computing at UNC CHarlotte

Application to the positions within the Williams States Lee College of Engineering (LCOE) – https://jobs.charlotte.edu/postings/47189
Application to the positions within the College of Computing and Informatics (CCI) – https://cci.charlotte.edu/about-us/job-opportunities
In response to the State of North Carolina’s initiative to “engineer a smart and secure future”, the William States Lee College of Engineering (LCOE), the College of Computing and Informatics (CCI) and the School of Data Science (SDS) at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte invite applications for 12 full-time tenure-track positions at all academic ranks.
Successful candidates will bring either computer science expertise (artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, cloud computing, human-centered computing, etc.) or engineering domain-specific expertise, to one or more of the thematic foci of the research clusters; transformational energy systems, transportation and advanced mobility, digital manufacturing, and smart and sustainable cities. Of particular interest is people leading transformative research and engaging in collaborative efforts at the intersection of engineering, computing, and data science. Diverse candidates across all these areas are invited to apply.
The proposed research cluster is part of a $40M+ investment by the State of North Carolina and UNC Charlotte, which includes the design and construction of state-of-the-art facilities, acquisition of advanced equipment, and expansion of University undergraduate and graduate programs.
New faculty hires will join either the Williams States Lee College of Engineering or the College of Computing and Informatics. Faculty positions will be split equally between the two colleges and candidates may express interest in joint appointment with the School of Data Science during the application process.