Academic department renamed “Industrial and Systems Engineering”

The William States Lee College of Engineering, as part of its continuous quality improvement methods, announces a recent renaming of its systems engineering academic department. The newly named “Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering,” located in the Smith Building, will continue to offer the same top quality programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
“By renaming our department to Industrial and Systems Engineering, we better represent the skills and outcomes of our programs,” says Simon Hsiang, department chair and professor of industrial and systems engineering, “This change also represents our curriculum, which includes a commitment to process improvement, change management techniques and quality assurance methods. As the industrial engineering field evolves and grows over time, we have adjusted our department title to better reflect that ongoing evolution.”

UNC Charlotte’s industrial and systems engineering coursework teaches Niner Engineers the power of optimization through hands-on projects in production systems, scheduling, inventory planning and more. From data-driven analytics of industrial economics to real-world applications of the human-machine interface, students work to solve complex social and industrial challenges. Graduates are routinely hired as engineers in a broad variety of industry sectors including operations, manufacturing, supply chain, logistics, transportation, energy and more.
The previous name “Systems Engineering and Engineering Management” has been retired.
Learn more about Industrial and Systems Engineering, the academic programs and research projects.