Two Niner Engineers honored as Distinguished Alumni

The UNC Charlotte Alumni Association bestowed its 2024 Alumni Awards to six outstanding individuals for their service to their professions, communities and the University Friday, March 1, at the UNC Charlotte Marriott Hotel & Conference Center.
The honorees included two Niner Engineers who continue to forge the future for students, the university and the broader community.

Distinguished Alumni Award
Dean Arp ’99 MSCE
Dean Arp is president of Arp Engineering, represents Union County’s District 69 in the NC State House and currently serves as a senior chairman of the Appropriations Committee and chairman of the Energy and Public Utilities Committee. Arp was instrumental in helping the W.S. Lee College of Engineering receive funding from the state’s iniative, “Engineering North Carolina’s Future.” He serves on the William States Lee College of Engineering Advisory Board.

Distinguished Alumni Award
Alain S. Miatudila Sr. ’03, ’12 MSCE, ’16 Ph.D.
Alain S. Miatudila Sr. is associate dean of engineering at Central Piedmont Community College and was previously a faculty associate at UNC Charlotte in the Department of Engineering Technology and Construction Management. He was recognized by the National Organization for Student Success as the 2021 Outstanding National Alumnus of a Student Success program.