Niner Engineer Ogungbire has been named a 2024 Lifesavers Traffic Safety Scholar 

Categories: General News Tags: Awards, research

Niner Engineer Abimbola Ogungbire has been named a 2024 Lifesavers Traffic Safety Scholar and recently attended the Lifesavers Conference on Roadway Safety. Ogungbire, a Ph.D. student in the Infrastructure and Environmental Systems (INES) program working under the supervision of Srinivas Pulugurthis, professor of civil engineering, is one of 19 U.S. students selected through a competitive application process. 

The Lifesavers Conference showcases the latest research, evidence-based strategies, proven countermeasures, and promising new approaches for addressing the nation’s most pressing traffic safety problems. This is the ninth year of the Traffic Safety Scholars program, which provides college students the opportunity to attend the Lifesavers Conference, the largest gathering of traffic safety professionals in the U.S. The program’s goals are to showcase the diversity of opportunities in traffic safety and encourage students, regardless of discipline, to pursue a career in the field.

At the Lifesavers experience, Ogungbire learned about career opportunities from a panel of young traffic safety professionals working in the public and private sectors, as well as state and national traffic safety leaders. Conference workshops were led by industry experts who discussed a variety of critical topics, including distracted and impaired driving; child passenger, pedestrian and aging driver safety; vehicle technology; public health; commercial motor vehicles; roadway design; and more.

Congratulations to Ogungbire on this accomplishment.