Dr. Ed Morse is New Center for Precision Metrology Director

Dean Rob Keynton of the William States Lee College of Engineering has announced that Dr. Ed Morse is the new Director of the UNC Charlotte Center for Precision Metrology (CPM). Dr. Morse is taking the place of Dr. Chris Evans, who retired as CPM Director in December 2020.
“It is my privilege to announce the appointment of Dr. Morse as the new CPM Director,” Dean Keynton said. “Dr. Morse has a long history with the center, both as a faculty researcher and for serving as the center’s Deputy Director since 2010. He is extremely well respected in his field, and has an excellent reputation with CPM industrial affiliate members, students and faculty members.”
Dr. Morse was awarded his Ph.D. from Cornell University, with his dissertation work being in the mathematical modeling of tolerancing for assembly. He joined UNC Charlotte in 1999 as an assistant professor in the Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science Department. He was granted tenure and promoted to associate professor at UNC Charlotte in 2005, and promoted to full professor in 2011.
“I am honored to have been selected as Director for the Center for Precision Metrology,” Dr. Morse said. “This is an exciting time for the field of metrology, as advanced manufacturing processes require new measurement techniques for process control and conformance evaluation. Also, the closer interaction between computational and physical components (i.e. cyber-physical systems) allows us to apply research in machine learning to investigate how we can reliably perform inspection tasks in the presence of incomplete or uncertain data. I am looking forward to working with my colleagues to continue the growth and success that the center enjoyed under my distinguished predecessors.”
Dr. Morse’s current research interests include large-scale metrology, assembly modeling and analysis, machine tool metrology, uncertainty estimation and analysis, tolerance standards and modeling, and various aspects of computational metrology.
Dr. Morse is a member of several ASME standards committees for tolerancing and metrology, and is chair of ASME’s B89 committee on Dimensional Metrology, as well as B89’s Division 4 for Coordinate Measuring Machines. He is also a Subject Matter Expert (SME) representing the United States in ISO Technical Committee 213 on Geometric Product Specification and Verification.
The Center for Precision Metrology is an interdisciplinary association of UNC Charlotte faculty and student researchers, allied with industrial partners in the research, development and integration of precision metrology as applied to manufacturing. Originally supported as a National Science Foundation Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (NSF I/UCRC), the CPM is charged with breaking new ground in precision metrology through addressing real-world industrial concerns. Through the associated Affiliates Program, industrial and center researchers collaborate on projects that involve generic and specific manufacturing metrology problems. Working with dimensional tolerances on the order of 10 parts per million or better, precision metrology encompasses the methods of production and inspection in manufacturing, measurement, algorithms, tolerance representation, and the integration of metrology into factory quality systems.