April 28, 1998

Categories: Meeting Minutes Tags: Meeting Minutes

CEFO Minutes

(J. Carter, Secretary)


COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING FACULTY ORGANIZATION Tuesday, April 28, 1998 @ 12:36 PM Cameron Applied Research Center, Room 101
CEFO President Yogendra Kakad opened the meeting at 12:40. The following individuals signed the attendance sheet:

COMPUTER SCIENCE: M. Allen, R. Lejk, J. Quinn, H. Razavi, K. Subramanian, W. Tolone.
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: R. Coleman, K. Daneshvar, M. Hasan, Y. Kakad, M. Miri, H. Phillips, F. Tranjan.
ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY: J. Bowen, E. Braun, J. Carter, J. Chaffin, C. Liu, R. Priebe, W. Shelnutt, B. Sherlock.
MECHANICAL ENGR & ENGR SCIENCE: H. Cherukuri, R. Coger, P. DeHoff, R. Dubler, J. Hill, R. Hocken, R. Johnson, J. Raja, R. Wilhelm.
GUESTS: None. Total documented attendance: 34 (29 voting members.) Quorum=39.

I. Previous Meeting Minutes, Jack Carter. The minutes of the February, 1997 meeting were approved as submitted. Note that, in addition to distribution, the archive of CEFO minutes is maintained on the world wide web at http://www.coe.uncc.edu/~jcarter/cefo. Corrections may be submitted through that media.

II. Committee Reports.

Faculty Executive Committee, Rick Lejk. The motion to simplify the “post tenure review” process failed by a 17 – 17 tie. The document will specifically state that deans and department chairs are exempt from this process since they are reviewed under a separate administrative review procedure. For information, see Rick Lejk.
CEAPCC, Hassan Razavi. No Report.
General Education, David Bayer. No Report.
EGC, Jay Raja. No Report.
FAPSC, Edwin Braun. The proposal to change to simpler progression requirements passed. After August 15, 1999, no exclusions will be allowed for current students. All grades except W will count towards a student’s grade point average. Students entering in the Fall of 1998 will not be able to use exclusions. The time period for a written appeal of grade will be limited to ten days following the publication of those grades.

III. Dean’s Report, Dean Snyder. The “post tenure review procedures were adopted by the faculty council to be implemented in the Fall of 1998. The task for us is now to establish the queue: who will be reviewed, when. The decision must be made by May 15th. This will provide the necessary lead time for the review process to get under way. There are several ways to do this, including (1) “draw straws” to get one fifth of those eligible for review, (2) Draw from that one fifth of the tenured faculty who have been the longest without any type of review, or (3) some sort of alphabetical scheme. The dean has a list of tenured faculty that identifies the last formal review. However, it may not include reviews done locally and not sent on to the university. Following discussion, a concensus was reached that the first of these schemes will be used. Names will be drawn by the CEFO executive committee.

Don’t forget the annual College Luncheon on May 4th in the salon area of the Barnhardt Student Activity Center.

We need to get on with the annual evaluation of administrators. This will be the charge of the promotion and tenure review committees, both at the department level (for the chairs) and at the college level (for the dean.)

IV. Old Business: Peer Review of Teaching, Yogi Kakad. On March 15, 1994, the college was presented with “Guidelines and Procedures for Teaching Enhancement” by a task force charged with its creation. This document was not adopted as a policy, but rather as guidelines to the departments to create their own policies concerning teaching enhancement, specifically for the peer review of teaching. The departments have developed such policies and procedures. Last year a college policy statement was brought to the college and never acted on for a lack of quorum. That policy will be attached to the announcement for the next meeting for action in that meeting.

V. COE Elections, Jack Carter. Following is the result of the CEFO elections for positions to start in the Fall of 1998, subject to acceptance by the individuals who were elected:

CEFO Executive Committee

President Elect: Y. Kakad.
Secretary: J. Carter.
Parliamentarian: B. Sherlock.

College Promotion and Tenure Review Committee.

ECE: K. Daneshvar.
CE: R. Janardanham.
ME: G. Mohanty.
CS: M. Allen.
ET: J. Carter.

University Committees (1998 – 2000 Term).

Faculty Academic Policay and Standards Committee (FAPSC): Y. Kakad, with E. Braun alternate.
Faculty Competitive Grants Committee (FCGC): J. Patten, with B. Sherlock alternate.
Faculty Course and Curriculum Committee (FCCC): R. Lejk, with H. Razavi alternate.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:19 P.M.

Submit corrections/additions here: ( jcarter@uncc.edu)