Faculty Research Awards

1st Quarter Research Grants Total $1.75 Million
Researchers in the William States Lee College of Engineering won 27 grants totaling almost $1.75 million in the first quarter of 2021. A listing of new grants is here.

NCMEP Grant Supports Small Business Senior Design Projects
With support from a grant from the North Carolina Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NCMEP), UNC Charlotte is extending its very successful Senior Design program to smaller North Carolina companies, allowing them the chance to do specialized research projects and providing students with the learning experience of working with smaller companies. As part of the W.S. Lee […]

U.S. DOE Awards EPIC $3.6 Million Energy Grant
U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) has awarded UNC Charlotte’s Energy Production and Infrastructure Center (EPIC) a $3.6 million grant to improve the resilience and reliability of the regional electrical grid. Dr. Badrul Chowdhury, who holds a joint position as professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and the Systems Engineering […]

NSF Grant Supports Patent Capstone Ph.D. Projects
The National Science foundation has awarded a $500,000 Innovations in Graduate Education grant to UNC Charlotte that will support doctoral students in STEM disciplines, as they develop their capstone thesis projects for patenting instead of for journal publications as has been the norm. “The National Science Foundation is looking for fundamentally new ideas to change […]