General News

Don Blackmon Retiring from College of Engineering
At a time when he could have started slowing down and taking things easy, Don Blackmon decided instead to give back to his profession and the next generation of engineers, by going to work for The William States Lee College of Engineering. As an instructor for freshman engineering, an academic advisor and the director of […]

From Canada to Forty Niners Racing
When you hear that a 6-foot-7-inch-tall transfer student is coming from another country to join a Forty Niner team, you probably think football or basketball. But the goal of Spencer Nichols in coming to UNC Charlotte from Canada was to join a Motorsports Engineering racing team, and he is now co-captain of the 2020-21 Formula […]

Rocket Girls
A tradition has been growing on the Forty Niner Rocketry Team, in which female students in the ETCM program recruit fellow ETCM females for the next year’s team. The 2020-21 team has Cortney Hahn as its third generation ETCM student. Cortney was recruited by Tyler Ainsworth, who is now an Applied Energy and Electromechanical Systems […]

Water Bos Team Advances in DOE Waves Water Prize
Utilizing an innovative system that intakes seawater and directly converts ocean wave energy into the driving force to produce fresh water, a team of ETCM students and a faculty member, collaborating with a colleague outside of UNC Charlotte, has progressed to the advanced stages of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Waves to Water competition. […]

1st Quarter Research Grants Total $1.75 Million
Researchers in the William States Lee College of Engineering won 27 grants totaling almost $1.75 million in the first quarter of 2021. A listing of new grants is here.

Engineering Students Win NSF Graduate Fellowships
Four students, two from The William States Lee College of Engineering and two from the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, were awarded the highly competitive and prestigious Graduate Research Fellowship from the National Science Foundation for 2021. The four; Forest Atcheson, Electrical Engineering, Terawit Kongruengkit, Materials Engineering, Anthony Lindsay, Political Science, and Christopher Neff, […]

Occupational Safety Concentration Receives QAP Status
The Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) has approved UNC Charlotte’s Occupational Safety Concentration as a Graduate Safety Practitioner® (GSP) Quality Academic Program (QAP), certifying that the program has met minimum requirements for student curriculum in the safety field. The Occupational Safety Concentration is part of the Fire and Safety Engineering Technology (FRST) program within […]

Innovative UNC Charlotte Program Brings Adaptive Learning to Engineering Education
In a step of true engineering education innovation, UNC Charlotte has integrated game-changing Adaptive Learning methodology into an upper-level engineering course, resulting in dramatic improvements in student retention, and more importantly, learning comprehension. Mechanical Engineering faculty members in UNC Charlotte’s W.S. Lee College of Engineering are the first in the United States to apply Adaptive […]

Engineers Week 2021
Sponsored by the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE), Engineers Week 2021 is February 21–27. The week will kick off for The William States Lee College of Engineering with a proclamation from Charlotte Mayor Vi Lyle’s office, declaring the week to be “National Engineers Week” in Charlotte and commending its observance to all citizens. W.S […]

NCMEP Grant Supports Small Business Senior Design Projects
With support from a grant from the North Carolina Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NCMEP), UNC Charlotte is extending its very successful Senior Design program to smaller North Carolina companies, allowing them the chance to do specialized research projects and providing students with the learning experience of working with smaller companies. As part of the W.S. Lee […]