General News

Multinational Team Developing Multi-use Design Toolkit

Categories: General News Tags: Departmental News

Their senior design project encompasses a diverse range of topics, and the team itself is strengthened by the many perspectives of its members, since all seven are from different countries. The Engineering Design Toolkit team’s task during the past year has been to develop a user-friendly database that will help all future teams make design decisions quickly and accurately.

New $750,000 Grant will Support Military Veterans’ Graduate Studies

Categories: General News Tags: Departmental News

The Office of Naval Research and Development has awarded UNC Charlotte a $750,000 grant to help attract and support military veterans in earning graduate degrees in STEM disciplines, with particular emphasis on advanced degrees in mechanical engineering. The three-year grant is designed to build on the success of a program the Lee College of Engineering ran from 2014 to 2017 supporting military veterans earning their undergraduate degrees.

NSF Awards UNC Charlotte $999,591 Grant for Engineering Scholarships

Categories: General News Tags: Departmental News

The National Science Foundation has awarded a $999,591 grant to UNC Charlotte to support high-achieving, low-income engineering students as part of the NSF’s Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM) program. The UNC Charlotte program, called Engineering Academic Pathways, includes scholarship funds and programming to promote success among low-income students.

Ph.D. Student Wins Top Poster Honors

Categories: General News Tags: Departmental News

Congratulations to Milad Doostan, Ph.D. student under Dr. Badrul Chowdhury, who won first place at the Duke University Energy Week Research Poster Presentation. This is the second year in a row a UNC Charlotte student has won first place. The event was held Nov. 7, 2018 and gave students, faculty and professionals the opportunity to showcase their research ideas in the field of energy.

ASME Honors Dr. Scott Smith with Manufacturing Award

Categories: General News Tags: Departmental News

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers has awarded Dr. Scott Smith, professor and chair of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science at UNC Charlotte, the William T. Ennor Manufacturing Technology Award for his contributions to the field of machining dynamics.

Tracy Ross Involved in Three Senior Design Projects at Once

Categories: General News Tags: Departmental News

The Lee College of Engineering’s Senior Design programs provides students with experience doing real-world engineering projects, and senior Tracy Ross is getting a ton of experience this semester as he works as a team member on one project and is the industry mentor for two other projects.

New Faculty 2018-2019

Categories: General News Tags: Departmental News

The Power of People The William States Lee College of Engineering at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte is proud to announce the addition of our new faculty members for 2018-19. As educators and researchers, these individuals bring a wealth of experience and training from some of the best academic institutions and companies in […]

49er Rocket Team Crowdfunding

Categories: General News Tags: Departmental News

The 49er Rocketry Club, comprised of engineering students, is raising money to enter and attend the 2018 NASA Student Launch Competition. This is a rigorous and fiercely competitive challenge to design, build and fly a high powered rocket to complete a mission designed by NASA.

FSAE Team Crowdfunding

Categories: General News Tags: Departmental News

The UNC Charlotte Formula SAE team is raising money to design and build a formula-style race car and compete at the Michigan International Speedway. The team of engineering and like-minded students collaborate to build the FSAE car from scratch and develop the performance of the vehicle to be competitive. The team is seeking $7,500 for […]

Dr. Conrad Elected IEEE-USA President

Categories: General News Tags: Departmental News

The members of IEEE-USA, an organizational unit of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, have elected Dr. Jim Conrad of The William States Lee College of Engineering to serves as their president for 2020. Dr. Conrad, a professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, will serve as president elect in 2019.