General News

Senior Design Kickoff
The fall 2017 Senior Design projects are now underway with a record 326 students working on 61 projects, 45 of which are sponsored by industry.

NSF Research Award Announcement
The National Science Foundation has awarded a $250,000 grant to ECE Professor Dr. Jiang (Linda) Xie for the project “Hierarchical Framework with Distributed Resource Allocation for Mobile Fog Computing.”

Exchanging Knowledge with Navajo Technical University
To learn more about manufacturing and metrology, and then be able to take that knowledge back to their area of the country to share, two students from Navajo Technical University’s Crownpoint, New Mexico, campus spent the summer at UNC Charlotte’s Center for Precision Metrology.
UNC Charlotte Sets Research Award Record in FY2017
In fiscal year 2017, UNC Charlotte recorded its highest ever total of sponsored research awards in the amount of $50,917,579, according to the Office of Research and Economic Development report of sponsored awards for July 1, 2016, to June 30, 2017.
ECE Researchers Win $600,000 NSF Grant
The National Science Foundation has awarded a three-year $600,000 grant to UNC Charlotte Electrical and Computer Engineering Department researchers for the project “Intelligent Energy Efficient Spectrum Access for Wireless IoT.” The principal investigator for the project will be Dr. Jiang (Linda) Xie. The co-principal investigators will be Dr. Tao Han and Dr. Thomas Weldon.
Video about Charlotte Banks Organ Donation Initiative
Charlotte Banks, a regional research initiative led by Dr. Gloria Elliott of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science at UNC Charlotte focused on making more organs available for transplant, is the topic on this video edition of “Inside UNC Charlotte.”

49er Engineers Recognized at Air Force Design Challenge
Participating in the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory’s 2017 University Design Challenge, a team of UNC Charlotte engineering students received honorable mention for its ‘navigation intent and size/form factor’ work. The purposed of the competition was to help the Air Force solve a critical problem for the nation’s military and Special Operations community.

UNC Charlotte Researchers Opening New Field of Optics with Freeforms
UNC Charlotte researchers have worked in the field of freeform optics for more than 10 years. In that time, numerous advances have been made that are now creating a whole new world of optical applications and fundamentally changing the way optical devices are designed. Undergraduate students, graduate students and alumni from the Lee College of Engineering and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences are working collaboratively on research and application of these new technologies.

From Student to Faculty Member, Freeform Optics is Constant for Dr. Joseph Owen
Through his undergraduate studies, senior design project, graduate thesis, summer internships, a job and now a position as a research faculty member, the one constant for Dr. Joseph Owen has been freeform optics. He has learned about them, made them, applied them, measured them and is now researching how to advance them to the next level.

Bharatkumar S. Joshi Memorial Scholarship Announces First Recipient
Arnab Baruah was recently announced as the first recipient of the Bharatkumar S. Joshi Memorial Scholarship, named in memory of Associate Professor Dr. Bharatkumar S. Joshi of the William States Lee College of Engineering.