General News

Engineering Welcomes 13 New Faculty and Staff
The William States Lee College of Engineering is proud to welcome 13 new faculty and laboratory staff members in 2011. Many of these new hires will be important additions to our growing Energy Production and Infrastructure Center (EPIC).

NASA Regolith Excavator
A team of Lee College of Engineering Senior Design students recently competed in NASA’s First Lunabotics Mining Competition held at the Kennedy Space Center on May 24–28. Teams were tasked with designing and building a robotic excavator that was capable of excavating and depositing at least 10 kg of material in a 15-minute timeframe.

Cherukuri receives Fulbright Fellowship
Dr. Harish Cherukuri will spend a semester conducting research at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore.

Levine Engineering Scholars
UNC Charlotte has admitted its first class of 15 Levine Scholars, including two who will be joining The William States Lee College of Engineering in fall 2010. The Levine Scholarships are made possible by philanthropists Leon and Sandra Levine, who committed $9.3 million to UNC Charlotte for the merit scholarship program to develop community service leaders.

Senior Design Expo Spring 2010
The Lee College of Engineering’s largest-ever Senior Design Expo saw projects ranging from an underwater robot to a tidal power generator, as more than 60 completed projects and 34 mid-semester projects were displayed at the May 7 event.

UNC CHarlotte Hosts Regional Conferences
The Department of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science hosted the 2010 ASME District F Student Professional Development Conference on April 23 – 25. More than 100 mechanical engineering students from across the Southeast attended the conference.
New Scholarships Support Energy Students
The Duke Energy – EPIC Student Fellows Annual Scholarship will go to engineering and engineering technology juniors and seniors studying within the EPIC curriculum. Eligibility for the scholarship is determined by financial need and academic proficiency.
College Names New Department Chairs
New ECE Chariman Dr. Ian Ferguson has been named the new chairman of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department in the Lee College of Engineering. He will begin his new position in August 2009.

2009 Senior Design Expo and Projects
“The expo is always an high-energy event,” said Dr. Bill Heybruck, director of the UNC Charlotte Industrial Senior Design Program. “The students have worked hard all year to get to this point, and they’re excited to get a chance to show what they’ve done.”

ET Students Perform Energy Audits
The trips are part of the Energy Management technical elective course that instructors Nan Byars and Dan Hoch are teaching to a full classroom of juniors and seniors in spring 2009.