Mats Herrstromer

Mats Herrstromer
Mats Herrstromer is a Mechanical Engineer with extensive experience with all aspects of Automated Material Handling and Automated Guided Vehicles and Systems (AGVS). For more than thirty years, he’s been working in Engineering, Project Management, Sales and Corporate Management. He began his professional career in Sweden working for NDC (now Danaher Motion & Kollmorgen) and Carrago. Herrstromer moved to the United States in 1983 to begin working for Conco-Tellus in Illinois and later NDC Automation in North Carolina. He founded AGV Products, Inc. in 1988 and for 20 years, he presided over more than 50 employees. AGV Products was acquired by HK Systems (now Dematic) in 2008. He is now President at AGV Solutions.
Herrstromer received a degree in Business from Harvard Business School in 1999 (OPM-27). In the past, he has served as Chairman of the AGVS product section of Mitsubishi (2003-2004). He is currently the Vice Chair of ANSI/ITSDF B56.5 and member of ANSI/ITSDF B56. He is a dual citizen, and holds citizenships in both the United States and Sweden.