April 29, 1997

Categories: Meeting Minutes Tags: Meeting Minutes

CEFO Minutes

(J. Carter, Secretary)


CEFO President Art Edwards opened the meeting at 12:38 PM. The following individuals signed the attendance sheet:

COLLEGE OF ENGR: R. Snyder, Dean.
COMPUTER SCIENCE: M. Allen, K. Chen, R. Lejk, T. Mostafavi, J. Quinn, G. Revesz, H. Razavi, B. Wilkinson, J. Xiao.
CIVIL ENGINEERING: D. Bayer, J. Evett, J. Graham, M. Kane, E. King, K. Linden, A. Stadler.
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: T. Dahlberg, K. Daneshvar, A. Edwards, Y. Kakad, M. Miri, F. Tranjan, T. Weldon.
ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY: J. Bowen, N. Byars, J. Carter, C. Liu, J. Patten, R. Priebe.
MECHANICAL ENGR & ENGR SCIENCE: H. Cherukuri, P. DeHoff, R. Dubler, H. Estrada, J. Hill, R. Hocken, R. Johnson, G. Mohanty, S. Patterson.
GUESTS: None. Total documented attendance: 40 (37 voting members.) Quorum=40

I. Consent Calendar, Art Edwards. The adoption of a consent calendar, discussed in the April 8 meeting, was approved by paper ballot.

II. Peer Review, Art Edwards. In the past the college approved a set of guidelines to assist the departments in adopting policies and procedures pertaining to the implementation of a peer review process. The general administration has sent down procedures that must be included in the departmental documents. A set of minimum procedures was presented to the faculty for discussion. (Distributed to faculty and attached to paper copy of secretary’s minutes.) Much discussion followed.

A motion was made to remove the reference to “undergraduate” from the document. Motion failed. A motion was made to change “to” to “preferably” prior to the undergraduate reference. Motion passed. Other small amendments were discussed and made. The committee that is working on this will make those changes. A motion was made that we accept the document as amended for application in the Fall Semester. Motion passed. Note: Lack of a quorum (37 of 40 in attendance) was not challenged and the quorum rule was suspended for this issue.

III. Elections, Jack Carter. Nominations have been accepted via Email. Also, nomination forms have been placed in voting faculty mailboxes. Additional nominations should be turned into Jack Carter by April 31 when ballots will be placed in mailboxes. Those ballots should be returned to Jack Carter by May 15.

IV. Comments, Dean Snyder.

All are reminded to attend the Awards Lunch tomorrow and also the reception for Norm Schul tomorrow afternoon.
Two personnel searches are underway. One is to find a replacement for John Grant. The other is to hire a communications specialist.
A move to reduce the amount of examination time from three hours to two hours has been shelved after protests from the ET department, the ME department and other sources.

V. CFC Requests for proposals, Taghi Mostafavi. Proposals are now requested from each department for improvements to the Mosaic computing system. A handout was provided that outlines the procedures for proposal submission. (Copy attached to the paper copy of the minutes.) Proposals must be submitted by October 15.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:52 PM.

Submit corrections/additions here: ( jcarter@uncc.edu)