February 21, 1995

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CEFO Minutes


COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING FACULTY ORGANIZATION Special Meeting to Approve College Strategic Plan Tuesday, February 21, 1995 @ 12:30 PM CARC Building – Room 101

Dr. David Young opened the meeting at 12:44 PM. The following signed the attendance sheet:

COLLEGE OF ENGR: R. Snyder, S. Middleton. COMPUTER SCIENCE: M. Allen, G. Epstein, R. Lejk, J. Maitan, Z. Michalewicz, T. Mostafavi, J. Quinn, G. Revesz, Z. Ras, H. Razavi, R. Shaw, K. Subramanian. ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY: E. Braun, N. Byars, J. Carter, J. Chaffin, R. Priebe, P. Wang. CIVIL ENGINEERING: J. Evett, J. Graham, R. Janardhanam, J. Wu, D. Young. MECHANICAL ENGR & ENGR SCIENCE: R. Dubler, H. Estrada, Y. Hari, R. Hocken, R. Johnson, R. Kim, J. Raja, R. Wilhelm. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: A. Edwards, R. Makki. CAMERON A.R.C.: H. Leamy, T. Rufty. ENGR RES & IND DEVMT: J. Roblin. Total documented attendance: 38. (Secretary’s note: the “head count” was 47, sufficient for a quorum, so several individuals did not sign the attendance sheet.)

I. Toby Rufty, Announcement. Seminar entitled, NSF on NC-REN will be held Thursday, February 23 from 3:30-4:45 PM and on February 24, 3:30-5:00 PM in media services, Atkins Library.

II. Minutes of the January 24, 1995 Meeting. Approval of minutes of the previous meeting were approved as submitted.

III. COE College Laboratory Committee, Ed Braun. Mr. Braun reported that the committee is involved in some reorganization, and is setting their agenda.

IV. COE Faculty Rewards Task Force, Nan Byars. The group will be meeting next week to review departmental recommendations pertaining to the suggestions distributed by the committee. These suggestions came from the results of the several surveys conducted earlier in the school year.

V. COE Teaching Enhancement Committee, Rafic Makki. Revised copy of the Guidelines and Procedures for Teaching Enhancement document was distributed. The committee suggested a few changes which were editorial in nature. Those changes were approved by acclamation. An implementation document is to be distributed at the next meeting.

VI. Computing Facilities Committee, Art Edwards. The committee is currently working on their strategic plan. The plan is broken into three segments: environment, literacy, experimental. One of the goals is to have all faculty attain a high level of computer literacy. The committee is working on finding a way to get seven days-per-week technical coverage for the MOSAIC system. Hopefully, this would include hardware and applications, but at the very least, the applications should be covered. The committee is working on getting the resources to provide weekend support. Discussion followed concerning viewpoints of hardware and software needs. Let the CFC know your needs and concerns.

VII. Dr. Snyder.

Curriculum Revision. The departments have submitted curriculum revisions necessary to get to the 128 hour limit for the catalog copy. Much remains for changes throughout faculty governance. The engineering core changed the mathematics requirement from seventeen to fifteen hours. A subcommittee is examining the math core. Also, a subcommittee is examining the physics/chemistry interface in the freshman year. “I’m pleased with the Math and Physics Departments.” They are taking us at our word and are showing a real intent to help us. Bob Coleman is looking into the technical communications component of the curriculum.

Evening Services Program. We have reported to the Vice Chancellor our intent to address making our program accessible to non-traditional students. The Uptown Center is considered a success. This college is not yet offering course there. We are to put together a task force to address this. The international option exists, and departments have information available on this and should be able to provide adequate advising on the subject.

SUCCEED workshop, March 2-4, 1995 at NC State. Faculty are encouraged to attend. The Dean’s office will support the costs of travel.

Fall students will be under the new curriculum. Existing students may be updated to the new program at the department’s discretion. Waivers are very possible for many issues other than general education, ABET, and similar types of requirements. In particular, transfer and part-time students need to be treated on an individual basis. College financial support (CID) may be available for major curriculum revision efforts.

VIII. Upcoming attractions, David Young. Hard work has taken place on a large number of committees. Many of these will be providing action in the next few months. These should be the last few meetings of the semester.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:35 PM.