January 24, 1995

Categories: Meeting Minutes Tags: Meeting Minutes

CEFO Minutes

(J. Carter, Secretary)


COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING FACULTY ORGANIZATION Tuesday, January 24, 1995 @ 12:30 PM CARC Building – Room 101

Dr. David Young opened the meeting at 12:33 PM. The following signed the attendance sheet:

COLLEGE OF ENGR: R. Snyder, S. Middleton. COMPUTER SCIENCE: G. Epstein, J. Frazier, R. Lejk, J. Long, T. Mostafavi, J. Quinn, G. Revesz, H. Razavi, R. Shaw, K. Subramanian, B. Wilkinson. ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY: F. Auchey, B. Barry, N. Byars, J. Carter, C. Liu, T. Owen, J. Patten, R. Priebe, W. Shelnutt, D. Smith, P. Wang. CIVIL ENGINEERING: D. Bayer, J. Evett, D. Hanks, H. Hilger, R. Janardhanam, I. Runge, J. Wu, D. Young. MECHANICAL ENGR & ENGR SCIENCE: I. Bodur, P. DeHoff, R. Dubler, Y. Hari, J. Hill, R. Johnson, R. Keanini, R. Kim, G. Mohanty, E. Munday, J. Raja. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: K. Daneshvar, A. Edwards, R. Greene, Y. Kakad, R. Makki, M. Miri, W. Smith, R. Tsu, F. Tranjan. CAMERON A.R.C.: H. Leamy, T. Rufty. ENGR RES & IND DEVMT: J. Roblin. COMPUTING SVCS & LABS: J. Grant, D. Rowe. GUESTS: None. Total documented attendance: 57.

I. Minutes of the December 6, 1994 Meeting. Minutes were approved as submitted.

II. COE Reassignment of Duties Committee Chair. A ballot the nominated members of the Reassignment of Duties Committee was previously distributed. Voting faculty are to indicate their choice for committee chair and return the ballot to David by Thursday, January 26.

III. Edward Nicollian Memorial Service, Joe Quinn. A memorial service will be held on January 26th in the Storrs Architectural Building. At 12:00 a string quintet will present a concert of music composed by Dvorak, as Edward Nicollian appreciated classical music. A memorial program will be held from 12:30 to 1:30, followed by speakers Arnold Riesman, Bert Schwartz, Harry Leamy, Catherine Blatt, and Bob Snyder. Thanks are extended to Joe Quinn and Harry Leamy for putting this program together.

IV. Task Forces and Programs, Silvia Middleton. Advising Task Force: the COE Strategic Plan identifies that we will have a comprehensive advising plan in place. Several models are falling out. Current models include faculty involvement, use of MOSAIC and specialized software. Departmental input is desired concerning ideas on how advising is being done. A report will be prepared and presented in March.

V. COE Laboratory Operations, Ed Braun. A status report was distributed to all faculty prior to the meeting. The floor was opened to questions. Discussion followed.

VI. COE Laboratory Operations, Dean Snyder.

The administrative laboratory committees will be responding to advice relative to equipment purchase and the disposition of equipment in labs. They are also responding to safety concerns in labs. Their advice goes to the laboratory Executive Committee which, working with Dan Rowe, is ultimately responsible for laboratory operations.

Horatio Estrada was added to the Electronic Laboratory Committee.

Safety concerns more are than “are laboratory facilities safe”. Concerns also include whether the experiments are safe.

The budget for next year’s equipment expenditures are due in April. Money will be available by June 1. It is now possible to think in terms of immediate purchases. As of “right now” the committees are charged with developing a definition of equipment needs. We also need to look down the road over a period of a few years.

These lab committees place the laboratory administration firmly in the hands of the faculty. Prior to their implementation, the labs were administered by the Dean’s office through Richard Wolny. Now it is the faculty who make up the body of the laboratory committees.

VII. Faculty Rewards Task Force, Nan Byars. The committee is finishing up a draft of recommendations to the faculty which are based upon the surveys received from faculty. These recommendations will be given to the individual departments for discussion in order to get as much input as possible before bringing them to the college. We should be able to come up with some final recommendations by the end of the semester.

VIII. Teaching Enhancement, Rafic Makki. The committee is looking at revisions of a document which provides guidelines for the review of probationary faculty. Input on peer evaluation of teaching is solicited. The committee is also looking at an education and training opportunity through the establishment of a summer workshop on observation of teaching. Two workshops have been funded and scheduled. Input for the CAFETERIA form is solicited.

IX. Strategic Plan, Dean Snyder. Dean Snyder reviewed recent changes which have been made to the document. Lively discussion followed. Insufficient time was left to act on the approval of the document by the college. Therefore, a special meeting was called by David Young. This meeting will be held on January 31, 1995. An announcement will be distributed.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:04 PM.