September 15, 1993

Categories: Meeting Minutes Tags: Meeting Minutes

CEFO Minutes (J. Carter, Secretary)


COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING FACULTY ORGANIZATION Wednesday, September 15, 1993 @ 10:00 AM Smith Building, Room 322

Dr. Rafik Makki opened the meeting at 10:03 AM. All members were present. They include David Bayer, Jack Carter and David Young.

I. Formation of College Review Committee (CRC). Since the new promotion and tenure document has been approved in the middle of the process, several departments have already selected their own representatives to this committee. Therefore, it was recommended that the departments continue using the current process until its completion. Once the CRC is in place, all subsequent CRC election will take place in a manner consistent with the new policy.

II. Non-Tenure Track Document. A short discussion was held pertaining to the committee’s response to a need for action on this document. It was determined that (1) the departments deserve a period of time for review of the document, and (2) that the committee which generated the document produce a “white paper” which explains and justifies its contents.

III. Revision of the CEFO Constitution. It was noted that the CEFO constitution and bylaws are not separate, making changes in the document difficult, as well as making the overall document difficult to interpret. Each member of the executive committee is to review this document prior to the next meeting and be prepared to discuss any actions that may be warranted.

IV. Agenda for next Faculty meeting. Rafik Makki has an agenda which will address undergraduate curriculum issues as well as other items requested by the Dean. He will formalize and publish this agenda with the meeting announcement.

V. Faculty Morale. Ideas were entertained concerning methods, procedures, rewards, etc. which might be used to elevate the level of faculty morale. Methods of opening up avenues of inter- and intra-departmental communication were discussed briefly. Some ideas included:

Small rewards for faculty on a monthly/quarterly/semester basis where the criteria for reward is light-hearted and not tied to academic or research issues. (Tickets to Hornets or Knights games…) A bulletin board can be produced which has captioned photographs of the college faculty with an emphasis placed on new members. Suggest that administrators and support staff occasionally eat in the faculty section of the cafeteria. Make use of the dean’s suggestion to have informal breakfasts with the faculty.

VI. Dean’s Breakfast. The format for such breakfasts was discussed. It was determined that the dean should meet with small faculty groups (3 at most), from a single department, rather than large groups or inter-departmental groups. The former format will better allow discussion on issues which may solve problems experienced by the faculty which would not be discussed in larger or more general groups.

VII. Next Meeting: Breakfast with the Dean at Shoneys on Route-29. Monday September 20, 7:30 AM. Be there unless notified of cancellation.