Motorsports Research Building Opens with New NCMARC Director

Motorsports Research, the new building for UNC Charlotte’s North Carolina Motorsports and Automotive Research Center (NCMARC) has opened. The 16,500-square-foot $4.5-million facility houses motorsports research facilities including a water tunnel, a wind tunnel, alternative propulsion dynamometer test cell, computational labs and other research facilities, as well as faculty and graduate student offices.
At the same time, the Lee College of Engineering has named Dr. Mesbah Uddin as the new director of NCMARC. Dr. Uddin succeeds Dr. Ahmed Soliman, who served as NCMARC director from 2008 to 2012. Dr. Uddin has been with UNC Charlotte since 2008. His research interests include aerodynamics of race and passenger cars, flow inside human airways, and experimental and numerical investigations of wakes, jets and boundary layers.
Dr. Mesbah Uddin