New Power and Energy Society

Founded by the students themselves, the new Power and Energy Society at UNC Charlotte is an interdisciplinary group working to further education and understanding of the energy industry.
The founding students decided to form the club after attending a power transmission and distribution conference. There was a lot more to be learned they decided, and the best way to learn it was to band together.
“We’re a cross-disciplinary group that currently includes electrical, computer, mechanical and systems engineering students,” said Ryan McColl, president of PES. “We decided the society was a great way to get together and learn how all the different disciplines are involved in and work together in energy.”
At its initial meetings this fall, club members who are currently doing internships or co-ops with energy companies are sharing their experiences. They are also bringing in their professional engineering coworkers to speak.
“‘What is energy?’ is actually a huge question for new engineering students,” McColl said. “By sharing the knowledge of people involved in the different aspects of energy, we’re all learning and getting a better overall perspective.”
To get involved in or find out more information about the Power and Energy Society contact