Ray Thompson

Q. What does your company do?
A. Johnson Controls provides equipment and services that make buildings more comfortable, productive, safe, and efficient. We manufacture and install HVAC systems, Security and Life Safety systems, and Low Voltage Technologies for all types of buildings.
Q. What academic degrees do you hold?
A. UNC Charlotte, 1979, B.S. in Engineering Analysis and Design
Q. What is the purpose of the board of advisors?
A. We provide an industry view of what is needed in the marketplace as far as the type employees we seek and the training they need. We support the initiatives of the Lee College of Engineering and assist Dean Johnson with some of his objectives.
Q. What changes have you seen in the college and UNC Charlotte?
A. One example that comes to mind is the Leadership Academy. We expressed a need for our engineers to have leadership training and management skills, not just technical ability.
Q. What is exciting at the college?
A. The growth of the school and the new offerings in motorsports and energy. The new EPIC building is very exciting.
Q. What do you see in the future for the college?
A. I see continued growth and the need for new courses and faculty.
Q. What are your thought about the football team?
A. I believe the football team will improve our ability to attract quality students to the university and aid in our recognition in the community and allow us to engage more of the alumni in assisting the school.
Your Engineering Career
Q. What skills have been important in your career?
A. The communication and management skills that I developed as a project manager for Technology Systems.
Q. What is the most exciting project you ever worked on?
A. I have had many exciting projects in my 38 year career with Johnson Controls, but the Charlotte Convention Center was the first Division 17 project for our company, and the NC Research Campus is a current project that brings sustainability to the forefront in our Industry.
Hiring Engineers
Q. What is your company looking for in new engineers?
A. Good communication skills and a good work ethic. A desire to learn and be productive.
Q. Where are good opportunities for engineers?
A. Systems engineers with an understanding of how systems interact.
Q. What are the hot engineering markets for the future?
A. Energy and electronics.
Experience with the College of Engineering
Q. How have you enjoyed your involvement with the college?
A. Very much.
Q. Have you been involved in senior design projects, co-ops or internships?
A. All three over the years.
Q. What growth areas do you see in the college?
A. Energy and energy efficiency.
Community Involvement
Q. What importance does your company place on community involvement?
A. Very important.
Q. What value does your company get from the college and from you being on the board?
A. We have the ability to interact with the best and brightest students and it improves our recruiting.
Q. What importance do you place on the giving back to the community?
A. Very important.