2018 CAMMSE Research Symposium

The Center for Advanced Multimodal Mobility Solutions and Education (CAMMSE) held its first research symposium August 6-7 in Charlotte, bringing together student and faculty researchers from throughout the country to share results and findings of recent and ongoing transportation research.
With UNC Charlotte as the lead, CAMMSE is a multi-institutional U.S. Department of Transportation center that includes Texas Southern University, the University of Connecticut, the University of Texas at Austin and Washington State University. CAMMSE was formed in December, 2016, funded by a $7.7 million U.S. DOT grant for five years. Multimodal transportation refers to the integrated network of roads, airports, seaports, rails, transit systems, bicycle and pedestrian trails and walkways.
Keynote speakers at the seminar were Dr. Chris Hendrickson of Carnegie Mellon University who spoke on “Transitioning to Connected and Automated Vehicles,” and Dr. Randy Machemehl of the University of Texas at Austin whose address was “Do Bicycle Riders Exhibit Different Behavior in Different Riding Environments?”

The seminar also includes two technical sessions, one on emerging technologies and algorithms for advancing transportation operations and management, and one on improving multimodal mobility. In addition there was a graduate student poster session, where students and faculty exchanged ideas about their research.
The next CAMMSE research seminar will be held in November 2019 in Charlotte. For more information about CAMMSE please contact Dr. Wei (David) Fan of UNC Charlotte Civil and Environmental Engineering.