Seminar – Smart Helmet: Sensor Integrated Personalized Defense System, Dr. Paul Cherukuri, Monday, December 6th at 11:00 a.m.,EPIC G256

The William States Lee College of Engineering Presents Dr. Paul Cherukuri, presenting a seminar on smart helmet sensor integrated personalized defense system on Monday, December 6, at 11:00 a.m. in EPIC G256.
Military helmets are heavy and offer limited ballistic protection and little-to-no protection against blast, blunt and directed energy attacks. In this presentation, I will discuss our work in developing the first 3D printed, nanomaterial infused, military grade “Smart Helmet” system with embedded biosensors that look inward to assess health and cognitive function as well as outward facing lensfree cameras that identify approaching threats to improve situational awareness by helping to pinpoint where an explosion, suspicious object, or other potential threats are located. By reimagining the helmet as a custom fit, always-on wearable technology, the Smart Helmet prototype addresses the lack of protection by standard issue helmets against traumatic brain injury caused by existing and emerging kinetic and directed energy weaponry and improve the strength and elasticity of helmets to dissipate the impact of higher power rifles, blast effects, and electromagnetic energy.
Dr. Paul Cherukuri is the Executive Director of the Institute of Biosciences and Bioengineering where he provides leadership for Rice University’s only interdisciplinary research institute dedicated to fostering bio-related innovation for 150 affiliated faculty members spanning the Schools of Natural Sciences, Engineering, Social Sciences, and Humanities. In this role, Dr, Cherukuri creates and fosters strategic partnerships between Rice University and external organizations including the Department of Defense, NASA, the Texas Medical Center, and regional industry.
Dr. Cherukuri earned his B.S. in Physics from the University of Kentucky and his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry at Rice University under Nobel Laureate Richard E. Smalley. Before returning to Rice, Dr. Cherukuri was a senior scientist at Sanofi (formerly Chattem Inc.). Prior to Sanofi, he was a Visiting Scholar with Prof. George Whitesides at Harvard University in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and research faculty at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in the Department of Experimental Therapeutics.
His current research includes directed self-assembly of living and artificial materials (Teslaphoresis), cold plasma therapy, and wearable biosensors. He is a subject matter expert in nanomaterials, directed energy, bioelectronics, drug development, transdisciplinary research, design thinking, entrepreneurship, and research translation. His unique background in both academic and industry research gives him critical insight to drive innovative solutions into the marketplace.