
The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) has named Richard Alaimo of UNC Charlotte as the winner of the 2019 Graduate Research Award for his work in optimizing spacecraft layout design for future missions to Mars. A graduate of the Lee College of Engineering’s Systems Engineering bachelor’s degree program, Alaimo is now working on […]

The William States Lee College of Engineering graduated 539 students at UNC Charlotte’s spring 2019 commencement over the weekend. The graduates included with 398 bachelor’s degrees, and141 with master’s and Ph.D.s. Photo gallery of commencement and engineering graduation reception

Innovative engineering in the construction, launching and operation of an autonomous drone led the 49er Rocketry Team to an extremely successful 2019 competition. The drone, or unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), was the payload of the rocket, and judges ranked it as the top payload at the NASA Student Launch Initiative Competition held at Marshall Spaceflight […]

The William States Lee College of Engineering held its spring-semester Senior Design Expo on May 6, 2019. Teams who started in fall 2018 presented their completed two-semester projects, while teams who started in spring 2019 presented their first-semester design-concept posters. The three completed projects judged the best were: First Place – NASA Student Launch Competition […]

Self-driving vehicles will be a future reality, first becoming integrated with current human-driven vehicles and then, over time, completely replacing them. Lee College of Engineering researchers are working now to develop variable speed control systems to optimize the current state of human-driven vehicles, the mixture of human-driven and self-driving vehicles, and the future state of […]

A team of Construction Management and Civil Engineering Technology students from UNC Charlotte placed first in the 2019 ACI/ASCC Concrete Construction Competition, an international competition sponsored by the American Concrete Institute (ACI) and the American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC). Team members were Ross Newsome, Benjamin Hager, George Poulos, Kenny Wang, and Joseph Ocampo. The […]

Dr. Tony Schmitz, professor Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science in the Lee College of Engineering, is one of the 17 recipients of the UNC Board of Governors Awards for Excellence in Teaching. He will be honored formally during one of the University’s May commencement ceremonies. This annual system-wide teaching award recognizes one faculty member from […]

Traditional manufacturing is an important element of North Carolina’s economy, and keeping the state at the forefront of manufacturing technology is vital. Being at the forefront means bringing digital technology to the manufacturing floor, which means artificial intelligence (AI). To develop and advance North Carolina’s use of AI in manufacturing, the state has established a […]

The 49er Rocketry Team had a successful competition on April 6th, as its rocket and payload performed well and scored high at the NASA Student Launch Competition. The UNC Charlotte team finished second overall at the competition. Forty-five teams from 20 states took part in the Student Launch Competition, held at Marshall Space Flight Center […]

The UNC Charlotte American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) team had great results at the 2019 Carolinas Conference, winning First Place Overall at the competition held April 5-7 at North Carolina State University. The 49er engineers also placed first and qualified for national championships in the Steel Bridge, Concrete Canoe, and Innovation competitions. At the […]