
To support and encourage underrepresented minorities in the educational, professional and even social aspects of studying advanced engineering and technology, the Lee College of Engineering has a new program called Engage ME. The name stands for ‘Engage Multicultural Engineers,’ and the program brings together students, faculty, professionals and alumni of all races, cultures and genders.

Check out the upcoming fall events for Lee College of Engineering alumni, and meet our new Director of Alumni Affairs Christine Biela. Alumni Happy Hour Wednesday, September 12 6:00-8:00pm Heist Brewery, 2909 North Davidson Street, Charlotte, NC 28205 RSVP link: 5th Annual Bob’s Bash Football Tailgate Saturday, October 13 2:00-3:30pm, 3:30pm Homecoming Game vs […]

1980s Steve Morris, BSCE ’86, MSCE ’93, retired from ED&T in April 2016 after 26 years of forensic consulting. His work took him across the United States consulting on losses in Oregon, Montana, Massachusetts, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, West Virginia, Virginia, New York, Maryland, Maine, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Arkansas and Puerto Rico. […]

The spring of 2018 was a successful and adventurous one for the 49er concrete canoe team. Success started with victory at the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Carolinas Conferences, which qualified the team for nationals in San Diego.

At The William States Lee College of Engineering, our students, faculty and alumni are engaged in a multitude of activities that are advancing solar energy. In classrooms, our students are studying the principles of photovoltaics and tackling hands-on learning projects that teach them to work with solar energy. In laboratories, our researchers are designing improved […]

A constant issue with large solar farms is controlling vegetation growth around solar panel arrays. In the true spirit of a farm, solutions to this challenge even include using goats and sheep to eat the grass and other plants. The problem with goats and sheep, though, is they also tend to chew wires and important […]

As part of their final presentations, senior design teams are required to create a video that explains their projects. The videos judged the three best at this spring’s 2018 Senior Design Expo.

The UNC Charlotte Astrobotics Robotic Team, the 49er Miners, took third place in the Caterpillar Autonomy Award at the 2018 NASA Robotic Mining Competition at Kennedy Space Center on Friday May 18. The team joined the elite group of only a handful of schools in the history of the competition that have accomplished a fully autonomous mining run (approximately 50 colleges and universities have competed each year over the past nine years).

The results of NASA’s 2018 Student Launch competition are tabulated, and The William States Lee College of Engineering’s 49er Rocketry Team placed second in the nation, the highest finish in the team’s history. First place went to Vanderbilt University’s Aerospace Design Lab team, the team’s fourth win in the past five years.

The Lee College of Engineering hosted almost 300 energy industry professionals in the EPIC Building on May 15, 2018. The event was Duke Energy Engineer’s Day, which included presentations given by engineering peers and vendors, along with time for networking. Participants were able to make contacts and develop relationships with peers, as well as earn […]