Departmental News

CAMMSE Research Update

Categories: General News Tags: Departmental News

Now in its fourth year, the UNC Charlotte-led Center for Advanced Multimodal Mobility Solutions and Education (CAMMSE) has completed 27 transportation-related research projects and has another 33 currently underway, including research into the optimization of autonomous vehicles, analysis of cycling behavior based of crowdsourced data, and optimization and improvement of current public transit services. Established […]

Geology-Mechanical Engineering Pairing Leads to Significant Findings

Categories: General News Tags: Departmental News

Since 2012, the somewhat unusual research pairing of a geologist and mechanical engineer at UNC Charlotte has led to some important scientific results, and has recently earned recognition of their work with a top award for interdisciplinary research and publication. Dr. Martha Cary (Missy) Eppes, professor of Earth Sciences in the Department of Geography and […]

During 20 Years in “Best Dean Job in America” Bob Johnson Built, Created, Led

Categories: General News Tags: Departmental News

The opportunity to make a difference and the potential to create important academic and research programs are what first attracted Bob Johnson to UNC Charlotte. He made the most of the possibilities, helping The William States Lee of College of Engineering reach record levels of enrollment and research, add new programs, and construct new buildings. […]

Prepping to Race – From Home

Categories: General News Tags: Departmental News

Paul Nowell Before he graduated from UNC Charlotte with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, Eric Duncan ’20 was working for Germain Racing, a NASCAR team based in Lexington, North Carolina. His first day as a race engineer was March 16, or as Duncan puts it, “just in time for the world to shut down.” A […]

Senior Design Expo Winners

Categories: General News Tags: Departmental News

Lee College of Engineering student teams had to work remotely for the final six weeks of their Senior Design projects, which added a new challenge to the two-semester projects. The traditional Senior Design Expo in the UNC Charlotte Student Activity Center could not be held, so all teams had to present their projects virtually for […]

Dr. Robert Keynton Named Dean-Elect of Lee College of Engineering

Categories: General News Tags: Departmental News

UNC Charlotte Provost Joan Lorden has announced that Dr. Robert Keynton is the new dean-elect of The William States Lee College of Engineering. Dr. Keynton will succeed Dr. Bob Johnson, who is stepping down in June after more than 20 years as dean. Dr. Keynton comes to UNC Charlotte from the University of Louisville, where […]

‘Virtual’ Senior Design Expo

Categories: General News Tags: Departmental News

The Senior Design Expo schedule for May 1, 2020, has been moved to a “Virtual Expo” format due to the COVID-19 situation. The Virtual Expo will have narrated posters for our Semester 1 students and Project videos for our Second Semester students. Due to the “Stay at Home” orders, the second semester students lost access […]

Maxheim Faculty Fellowship

Categories: General News Tags: Departmental News

The Lee College of Engineering has awarded the 2020 John H. Maxheim Faculty Fellowship to Dr. Linquan Bai of the Systems Engineering and Engineering Management Department. The Maxheim Fellowship recognizes and promotes the career development of tenure-track junior faculty in the Lee College of Engineering, assisting them with their development and growth as educators and […]

Two Mechanical Engineering Students Win NSF Fellowships

Categories: General News Tags: Departmental News

The National Science Foundation has awarded Graduate Research Fellowships to Lee College of Engineering Mechanical Engineering students Patrick Bounds and Marc Duemmler. The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines. Since the program began in 1952, more than 35,000 fellows have been selected. […]

2020 First Quarter Research Awards

Categories: General News Tags: Departmental News

Researchers in The William States Lee College of Engineering won 20 grants totaling more than $2 million in the first quarter of 2020. A listing of the new grants is here.