Freshman Learning Community

In the Engineering Freshman Learning Community (FLC), you will strengthen the first year of your engineering degree. With the challenge of the rigorous curriculum, your first year of college may be very demanding. This program will offer you the unique opportunity to help you achieve excellence through a tight-knit community of other persevering students who share your goals and interests.
The Engineering FLC is open to all first-year students (including freshmen, early college and dual enrolled students) who have been accepted to the W.S. Lee College of Engineering. Participants live in Hawthorn Hall for two semesters (fall and spring). Each 4-person suite has two bedrooms, a bathroom, and living room. The basement has a laundry room, game room/TV area, and a full-size classroom that houses a Creativity Lab.
Gain an extra edge toward your success through tailored FLC programs that will help you:
- Learn about the engineering profession
- Develop skills to be a successful engineering student
- Enjoy the strong engineering community
Activities, guest speakers and field trips are specifically geared to FLC students. Your FLC peers will also take science, math, and liberal studies courses with the general University population allowing you to develop campus-wide friendships while living in a supportive and success-focused environment. Tutoring for most common courses is available in the FLC several nights each week free of charge. Examples of FLC activities include:
- Free Creativity Lab and dedicated TA
- Extra opportunities for design and prototype problem solving
- Guest speakers just for the FLC
- Tutoring and workshops tailored for first-year W.S. Lee College of Engineering students