
UNC Charlotte’s Robotic Mining Team recently won some of the highest national awards for designing and building solutions for real world problems. The team of eight engineering seniors joined 23 other teams from across the nation in late May for the annual competition in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

“This is another incredible success story that we have to continue to build on,” said U.S. Senator Thom Tillis as he joined several other legislators and industry partners on a tour of BATT CAVE on Monday.

It isn’t the secret, subterranean headquarters of a masked superhero and a turbocharged car, but the North Carolina BATT CAVE Research Center may very well transform the future of battery technology and the vehicles that use it.

Jun Xu, recognized internationally as a battery safety and modeling expert, leads UNC Charlotte’s BATT CAVE— the North Carolina Battery Complexity, Autonomous Vehicle and Electrification Research Center — the only university-led battery research center in the state.

UNC Charlotte’s Formula SAE team, 49ers Racing, returned this weekend from the SAE International Collegiate competition at Michigan International Speedway, where they placed in the top 10.

EPIC again leads the way to energy solutions. Mike Mazzola, Executive Director of EPIC, was recently awarded an NSF Engines Development Award for $1 million.

Abby McConnell will graduate Saturday with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in electrical engineering and a concentration in energy.

A delegation of 16 Taiwanese electric vehicle executives received an inside look at how UNC Charlotte is building a talent pipeline and creating innovation for the state and region’s emerging electric vehicle industry during a campus tour Thursday, May 4.

During the 2022-2023 academic year, William States Lee College of Engineering significantly strengthened its research activity, continuing to elevate its position as an innovative engineering college. With 213 proposals written and over $17.8 million in research awards, which is 30% higher than the prior year, the College experienced its best year ever. This increase aligns with University research award growth, which swelled from $57.3 million last year to $73.2 million this year. The College helped drive UNC Charlotte research activity by contributing over 24% of total university awards.

Hispanics and Latinos make up nearly one-fifth of the U.S. population, but they hold only 8% of STEM-related jobs. On April 18, Rob Keynton, dean of the William States Lee College of Engineering, was invited with other colleagues, students and professionals from across the country to the White House to discuss how this gap can be closed.